Manufacturer: antilog devices
Product ID: P-SEQ-03
Jog/Activity Indicator board carrying the data jog wheel encoder, the new v4+ mode selector, additional MEC switches and two 8x8 mini LED activity matrices.
Weight: 35 grams
in stock
24.99 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Bill of Materials / Placement Guide
Part Link
Required Mouser parts
Can be directly transferred into your
mouser cart by copying & pasting the text below into the mouser part list import tool (you
may need to log in at mouser before the tool is available):
80-C1206C104M5R|3 512-1N4148TR|19 595-SN74HC595DR|2 595-SN74HC165D|1 538-22-23-2031|1 517-929836-01-36-RK|1 517-30310-6002|2 660-MF1/4DCT52R1001F|6 4816P-T02-103LF|1 642-3FTH9|18 642-1S11-19.0|18
Required midiphy parts
You can manually add these to your cart
using the links below. If you are buying a midiphy essential kit, these should be included
already. If you are buying plain PCBs, these are necessary to complete your build.
The BOM checker 'bot says:
All parts referenced from the CAD master files have been validated. The BOM should be safe to order!*
* Disclaimer: although we have taken the best care possible, we cannot guarantee 100%
accuracy and we cannot be held liable for erroneous orders when using
this tool, including (but not limited to) incorrect quantities and/or
types of components ordered through midiphy or other suppliers.
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