Manufacturer: antilog devices
Product ID: P-UTL-01B
New Version USB-powered quad DIN + quad 3.5mm MIDI thru board. Chainable for 8xDIN, 8x3.5mm, perfect for low-latency MIDI to multiple synthesizers and SMT soldering training.
Weight: 35 grams
in stock
13.98 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Bill of Materials / Placement Guide
Part Link
Required Mouser parts
Can be directly transferred into your
mouser cart by copying & pasting the text below into the mouser part list import tool (you
may need to log in at mouser before the tool is available):
80-C1206C104M5R|3 963-TMK316BJ106KL-T|1 806-KCDX-5S-S2|5 511-1N5817|1 512-1N4148TR|1 512-6N138M|1 517-4808-3004-CP|1 771-74HC14D-T|2 771-74HC4017D-T|1 517-30310-6002|2 490-SJ1-3535NG|4 660-MF1/4DCT52R2200F|19 660-MF1/4DCT52R1002F|1 660-MF1/4DCT52R1001F|2 652-CR1206JW-103ELF|4 652-CR1206-JW-102ELF|1 652-CR1206JW-104ELF|1 660-MF1/4DCT52R4701F|1 863-BC818-40LT1G|1 538-67068-8000|1
Required midiphy parts
You can manually add these to your cart
using the links below. If you are buying a midiphy essential kit, these should be included
already. If you are buying plain PCBs, these are necessary to complete your build.
The BOM checker 'bot says:
All parts referenced from the CAD master files have been validated. The BOM should be safe to order!*
* Disclaimer: although we have taken the best care possible, we cannot guarantee 100%
accuracy and we cannot be held liable for erroneous orders when using
this tool, including (but not limited to) incorrect quantities and/or
types of components ordered through midiphy or other suppliers.
Recommended products
These additional products may be of interest,
if you are browsing this product. If you are buying a midiphy essential kit, everything necessary
is included. If you are buying basic products, please check if any of these items may be helpful for your build.
Assembly Instructions
Check out the for the first revision of this PCB (scroll to the bottom of the page).
This new revision "B" adds another TRS 3.5mm MIDI port, and changes the LED type from Superflux to , but is otherwise identical - just make sure to place and solder every component listed in the BOM above.
Enjoy building!
This new revision "B" adds another TRS 3.5mm MIDI port, and changes the LED type from Superflux to , but is otherwise identical - just make sure to place and solder every component listed in the BOM above.
Enjoy building!